Parents and children of Rosette Fol


Lydia Maes    Lydia MaesAscendants Lydia MaesDescendants Lydia MaesCombined family tree Lydia MaesImmediate family Lydia MaesUpdate family Lydia Maes

°01/03/1889 Mannekensvere, Belgium

23/07/1967 Stene, Belgium


Prosper Emiel Fol    Prosper FolAscendants Prosper FolDescendants Prosper FolCombined family tree Prosper FolImmediate family Prosper FolUpdate family Prosper Fol

°26/06/1882 Oostende, Belgium

21/04/1941 Oostende, Belgium



Rosette Fol  Rosette FolAscendants Rosette FolDescendants Rosette FolCombined family tree Rosette FolImmediate family Rosette FolUpdate family Rosette Fol




Gaston Vandenheede    Gaston VandenheedeAscendants Gaston VandenheedeDescendants Gaston VandenheedeCombined family tree Gaston VandenheedeImmediate family Gaston VandenheedeUpdate family Gaston Vandenheede

°27/04/1916 Vieille Eglise, Pas-de-Calais, France

06/03/1983 Oudenburg, Belgium