Families Misselyn and related : family trees, certificates and documents, births and weddings, photo albums

This site presents some information concerning the Misselyn family and related : genealogy, directories, events, photo albums.
It is completely free, free of charge and without any advertising or cookies.


Some displays of genealogy

The following images give you an idea of possible presentations of family trees

Personal data Pascale Jennequin Ascendants Eve Misselyn Descendants Constant De Coster Descendants Constant De Coster


In brief

What you can find here

A few notes

What you can find here

Individual files

Family trees


Certificates and Documents

Photo albums


A few notes

Links to other websites

Word of thanks - Contributions

Eddy Smet who largely contributed to the family tree Verbrugge .

Suzy Misselyn who completed Maurice's work and recovered data concerning Karel Maes (1852-1940).

Maurice Misselyn (1919-2005) who did most of the work of the family trree Petrus (Pieter) Misselyn, born around 1690.

Jean de Fonvent (1920-2013) for the descendants of Florence Misselyn (1864-1932) and Auguste Dugardein (1864-1936).

Petrus Gerardus Mannekens (1868-?) for his search related to the family Mennekens-Mannekens.

André Misselyn for the family trees Pierre Misselyn (1896-1970) and Chrétien Mannekens (1768-1818).

André Misselyn (1831-2008) for updating many persons and collecting information from many families.

René Misselyn (1873-1943) who started the family tree of Charles Misselyn (1764-?).

T.Draguez de hault who made it possible to complete the descendants of Gustave-Louis Wolters (1831-1914).

Christine Misselyn-Clarisse for information concerning the family tree Louis Misselyn (1894-1954).

Sylvain Fr. Piqué who started the family trees of Lambert Wolters (1737-1818) and François Cruyt (~1790-?).

Magaly Misselyn for the details related to the familiy tree Robert Misselyn (1898-1978).

Francis Misselyn for programming.



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