Legal information

Right of access

Persons subject to personal information have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them, unless the information is public.

Right to reproduce

This site hosts family information, with restricted or public access, usable only for personal or family purposes, to the exclusion of any commercial or advertising use.
This entire site is subject to international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.
Reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the written acknowledgement of the authors of this site.
Reproduction of any information coming from this site on paper is authorized, particularly in the family context, subject to compliance with the following three conditions: 1) free distribution; 2) compliance of the integrity of the documents reproduced: no modification or alteration of any kind; 3) clear and legible quoting of the source, for instance in the following form: "This document is issued from the website Misselyn Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited". The website address must imperatively appear in the reference.
For other uses, please contact us.
If you believe that one of the elements of this site belongs to you and that your copyright has not been mentioned, this element will be annotated with your copyright or removed from the site. In both cases, it is up to the applicant to provide legal proof of his copyright.

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Users are formally informed that the sites to which they can access via hypertext links do not belong to us. We decline any responsibility for the content, necessarily changing, of the information provided on these sites under the activation of the link.


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