This site presents some information concerning the Misselyn family and related : genealogy, directories, events, photo albums.
It is completely free, free of charge and without any advertising or cookies.
Some displays of genealogy
The following images give you an idea of possible presentations of family trees
In brief
What you can find here
- Individual files containing all of a person's information
- Genealogy, family trees and lists, descendants and ancestry.
- Searches: words in all the recorded information, directories according to last names or specific search criteria.
- The certificates, containing a copy of the documents used to prodce the family trees.
- The family's photo albums, or produced by each member who wishes.
- The comics of Francis Misselyn.
A few notes
What you can find here
Individual files
- The individual files include all the information in our possession, such as first names, dates and places of birth and death, a photo, contact points, parents and spouses, brothers and sisters, occupation, some personal remarks, certificates and other documents.
- The files are accessible by clicking on the person's name from almost all of the pages (lists and family trees).
Family trees
- It is possible to display the descendants, the ancestry, the combined tree and the family (parents and children) of each person.
This presentation can be in the form of a family tree or a list, with or without the spouses.
Finally, it is possible to display a tree with a bar that clearly shows when a person is alive. If the date of death is not given, and the death is certain, this date is statistically estimated.
- You can limit the number of generations, put the person on the left or on the right side, display specific information such as dates and places of birth and death, occupation, contact points, photo, ...
There is also a zoom function.
You can also download an image of the family tree you have viewed.
More details in themanual .
- Options
This button gives access to the options described here above.
- The modifications page allows you to change the database. You can add or modify individuals, contact points and couples. For security and traceability reasons, you must be registered to make changes.
- A page where you can select some examples, including access to the two Misselyn family trees, which we have not yet been able to link.
- Last names : display of all last names and corresponding individuals. Clicking on a last name displays all the people with that name. There is also a legend at the bottom of the page.
- Person : Search for all persons according to specific criteria such as last name, given name, date and place of birth and death.
- Search engine : search for a word in all registered data.
- Contact list : contact information.
Certificates and Documents
- The certificates page contains a copy of the documents received which were used to prepare the family trees, such as family booklets, birth certificates, birth announcements, ...
The certificates can also be accessed from the individual files.
Photo albums
- De photo album of the family.
- You can create your own photo albums or modify an album belonging to you.
- When viewing an album, you will be able to view each photo in its original format and zoom in.
- >All photo albums available or viewing. This page also allows you to access the creation of your own albums.
- All comics of Francis Misselyn, those in his possession and those he is looking for.
A few notes
Links to other websites
Word of thanks - Contributions
Eddy Smet who largely contributed to the family tree Verbrugge .
Suzy Misselyn who completed Maurice's work and recovered data concerning Karel Maes (1852-1940).
Maurice Misselyn (1919-2005) who did most of the work of the family trree Petrus (Pieter) Misselyn, born around 1690.
Jean de Fonvent (1920-2013) for the descendants of Florence Misselyn (1864-1932) and Auguste Dugardein (1864-1936).
Petrus Gerardus Mannekens (1868-?) for his search related to the family Mennekens-Mannekens.
André Misselyn for the family trees Pierre Misselyn (1896-1970) and Chrétien Mannekens (1768-1818).
André Misselyn (1831-2008) for updating many persons and collecting information from many families.
René Misselyn (1873-1943) who started the family tree of Charles Misselyn (1764-?).
T.Draguez de hault who made it possible to complete the descendants of Gustave-Louis Wolters (1831-1914).
Christine Misselyn-Clarisse for information concerning the family tree Louis Misselyn (1894-1954).
Sylvain Fr. Piqué who started the family trees of Lambert Wolters (1737-1818) and François Cruyt (~1790-?).
Magaly Misselyn for the details related to the familiy tree Robert Misselyn (1898-1978).
Francis Misselyn for programming.