Parents and children of Bruno Hoet


Godelieve (Lieve) Mannekens    Lieve MannekensAscendants Lieve MannekensDescendants Lieve MannekensCombined family tree Lieve MannekensImmediate family Lieve MannekensUpdate family Lieve Mannekens

°14/03/1928 Mortsel, Belgium

13/05/2021 Ottignies, Belgium


Gerard Hoet  Gerard HoetAscendants Gerard HoetDescendants Gerard HoetCombined family tree Gerard HoetImmediate family Gerard HoetUpdate family Gerard Hoet




Bruno Hoet  Bruno HoetAscendants Bruno HoetDescendants Bruno HoetCombined family tree Bruno HoetImmediate family Bruno HoetUpdate family Bruno Hoet




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