Parents and children of Freddy Minne


Freddy Minne  Freddy MinneAscendants Freddy MinneDescendants Freddy MinneCombined family tree Freddy MinneImmediate family Freddy MinneUpdate family Freddy Minne

°18/05/1945 Nieuwpoort, Belgium



14/03/1995 echtgecheiden, divorcés

Annie Misselyn  Annie MisselynAscendants Annie MisselynDescendants Annie MisselynCombined family tree Annie MisselynImmediate family Annie MisselynUpdate family Annie Misselyn

°02/06/1951 Diksmuide, Belgium



Steven Minne  Steven MinneAscendants Steven MinneDescendants Steven MinneCombined family tree Steven MinneImmediate family Steven MinneUpdate family Steven Minne

°18/05/1971 Oostende, Belgium


Vincent Minne  Vincent MinneAscendants Vincent MinneDescendants Vincent MinneCombined family tree Vincent MinneImmediate family Vincent MinneUpdate family Vincent Minne

°24/05/1973 Oostende, Belgium



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