Parents and children of Bénédicte Defever


Elisabeth Misselyn    Elisabeth MisselynAscendants Elisabeth MisselynDescendants Elisabeth MisselynCombined family tree Elisabeth MisselynImmediate family Elisabeth MisselynUpdate family Elisabeth Misselyn




Jean Defever  Jean DefeverAscendants Jean DefeverDescendants Jean DefeverCombined family tree Jean DefeverImmediate family Jean DefeverUpdate family Jean Defever




Bénédicte Defever  Bénédicte DefeverAscendants Bénédicte DefeverDescendants Bénédicte DefeverCombined family tree Bénédicte DefeverImmediate family Bénédicte DefeverUpdate family Bénédicte Defever




Christophe Seghers  Christophe SeghersAscendants Christophe SeghersDescendants Christophe SeghersCombined family tree Christophe SeghersImmediate family Christophe SeghersUpdate family Christophe Seghers




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